In collaboration with a collective of nude photography artists, Irish Naturist Association had organised a private viewing of their art for an evening in late May. The appeal of the event took the organisers by surprise: Over 100 people registered to attend a extraordinary nude visit to the Art Nude Ireland exhibition The Body” on 29th May 2018, which forced the Event Team of Irish Naturist Association to split the audience into two groups, allocating them different time slots.
The images on display were representing the gamut of the genre of art nude photography: a series of 48 pieces with essentially equal representation of the work of the models and photographers of the Irish and French collectives, covering a wide range of contemporary nude themes.
But on this particular occasion, both the art and the view would meet eye to eye in the same setting – in the nude. Photographer Paul Brady undressed as well for this unique event. With his presentation he explained to his naked audience some details concerning the making of his collective and their art. And also the challenge that Ireland has yet to embrace the beauty of nude photography, which is something this exhibition aims to fix.
He explained that while nudity has long been accepted in other art forms, such as painting and sculpture, when presented as a photograph, the nude is too often associated only with sexuality. By showing the highly varied work of its members to a wide audience Art Nude Ireland aims to show that nudity in photography can be portrayed in as many ways as in any other form of creative expression. ANI Members create work individually and also work together as a collective.
The members of Irish Naturist Association had already enjoyed the pleasure of an artistic talk -also in their birthday suits- on “Finding a valued place for the body in our culture” by photographer Doug Ross, co-founder of Art Nude Ireland.
The managers of In-spire Gallery, where the exhibition took place, showed themselves equally delighted for the opportunity of this naked collaboration. Undoubtedly, venue, artists and audience will soon surprise us with further ventures, we’ll keep you posted!