Naturist Lughnasadh Festival 2016



Beach clean-up, Sallymount Beach, Co. Wicklow, Monday 1st August ’16.

My dreams of fine sunny weather for the opening day of the INA’s “Naturist Lughnasadh Festival” on 1st August were quickly dashed as I departed for Sallymount beach earlier that morning.  It rained for my whole journey! But, as always, our Naturist Goddess Venus provided an opening in the weather for the naturists that gathered to begin the beach clean-up, albeit a bit windy.

We followed the stream to the southern area of the beach where the small bays are formed by the rocks – this area was notably littered. No one bar ourselves could be seen along the full length of the beach as we began cleaning up. The sun made a couple of rare appearances to encourage us to stay naked. After one hour of chatting and rubbish collecting, we made our way back to the cars with three bags of rubbish and the satisfaction of leaving the beach in a cleaner appearance than when we arrived. Our timing was perfect as the rain started to fall again just as we departed.

Sunset at Hill of Slane, Co. Meath, Tuesday 2nd August ’16.

Day 2 of the Naturist Lughnasadh Festival brought naturists to the Hill of Slane, just to the north of Slane Village. This was a popular location as was evident by the presence of tourists and some locals when we arrived. The views of the hill and ruins at the top were magnificent and without crossing the gate into the field, I knew this location would make for some spectacular pictures. In between the various groups of people coming and going, we stripped of in the balmy weather for some pictures in and around the ruins. We even managed to take some wonderful photos as the sun was setting in the distance with naturists looking on.

There was a forest nearby which we could see from the Hill of Slane and decided to explore further. To our delight, as we arrived we found the carpark to be empty. To make the most of the dwindling sunlight, we walked down a short path and came across a vast area where trees had been felled and cleared away. We took some naturist pictures in the diminishing sunlight. As we turned back towards our cars, we could make out the Hill of Slane in the distance, it looked magnificent as it glowed brightly in the dusky evening with the lights shining on the walls of the ruins.

As it was getting dark, we departed the forest but couldn’t resist the temptation to return to the Hill of Slane where more individual and group naturist pictures were captured. We were even joined by an additional naturist. The pictures were so unique to anything we had taken before and looked stunning against the walls of the ruins as the lights shone on them. We eventually left for one final naturist event, an Après Slane Party – perfect way to end a perfect evening.

Naturist Meet Up, Benone Beach, Co. Derry, Wednesday 3rd August ’16.

For the INA Events Team, it is very important to be able to meet as many naturists as possible throughout the whole island of Ireland. The outing to Benone Beach was a fantastic opportunity to meet naturists from this remote region. Typical of our Irish Summer, we experienced many heavy showers of rain on our journey to Banone Beach but once again, our Naturist Goddess Venus cleared the way for a couple of hours of Naturist time on this splendid beach. What amazed me first was how clean this beach was along with the spectacular views of waterfalls and cliff heads. Of course this was greatly helped by the rubbish bins dotted out along the whole length of the beach. One of the naturists that joined us on the day was a ‘local’ from the area and a member of BN NI. This made the outing very interesting with the amount of local knowledge shared with the group and an excellent way to collaborate ideas for future events within the region.

As the beach was so wide and open, we decided to start out naturist walk in the shelter of the sand dunes. The weather was quite warm and ideal for a naturist outing. What a perfect feeling it was to have warm air gently blowing across our bodies as we walked naked through the sand dunes along a path parallel to the nature reserve. We saw many exotic butterflies along our walk towards the first of the mighty waterfalls. The sheer flow and power of the waterfall became evident as we reached the closest viewing point possible without having to cross the main roadway. We stopped for some pictures and spent a little time on the beach as we had now reached the end of the sand dunes. One textile did walk past but continued walking as we returned to the sand dunes to make our way back to the cars. We experienced one shower of rain on our way back to our cars but as it’s a well-known fact that the naked body will dry much faster than wet clothes and we were all dry again before reaching the car park.

Lough Derg – 8th August

In our quest for new contributions to the scenic naturist map of Éire we came up with some pictures of beautiful Norman Tower and lake landscapes around Lough Derg:


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