Some of the beaches and bathing places are recommended with reservations.
Please be very careful if you go swimming at any of the locations listed below. Please do not swim alone!
Some of the places listed are remote and may have currents or rip tides which are not immediately visible. Please heed any warnings given.
Before using any of these locations, please study the Water Safety tips listed here https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/a00ea-summer-water-safety/ .
This extensive beach is a long, secluded, shallow, mostly sandy beach located on the northern shore of the Boyne Estuary and nestles against the intact dune landscape near Baltray. The highlight of the beach in recent years has been the hull of a shipwreck, the MV Irish Trader. However, the Irish Sea has diminished the wreck over time. Nonetheless, the remnants are still worth a look.
Access from Drogheda is via the R167 in the direction of Baltray village. Continue through the village passing County Louth Golf Club on the left. Veer left at the fairy mounds to parking area approximately 200 metres away. A walk of half an hour from the carpark is required to reach the Irish Trader, although it is visible as soon as you exit the dunes onto the strand. Discretion is required at times as the beach is used also by walkers.
GPS coordinates: 53.7359207,-6.263891
Nearest Town: Baltray, Co. Louth
Knocknagin Bay Beach – Gormanstown South
This beach is also known locally as Filgates Beach. It is just south of Gormanstown beach. To get to Gormanstown take Exit 6 off the M1 motorway, follow the R132 and go through Balbriggan, Park at the roadside parking area beside Delvin Bridge : 53.632939,-6.216497.
On the south side of this bridge, walk through the gate and down the lane (no road number but it is marked with a cul-de-sac sign) towards the railway bridge. Go under the bridge onto the beach and take a right to head south to the end of the beach. Walk along the rocks close to edge of the land, then up onto the grass and follow the narrow path to the crescent shaped Knocknagin Bay beach,
It is approx. 10 mins walk from the railway bridge to Filgates/Knocknagin Bay beach You can also park on the next road (L1620) leading to Gormanstown railway station and walk over the railway bridge down to the beach but it is an extra 8 to 10 minutes walk from there to Knocknagin Bay.
GPS coordinates: 53.632939,-6.216497
Nearest Town: Gormanstown, Co. Meath
This beach is near the village of Donabate in north Co. Dublin. Exit the M1 motorway at Junction 4 and follow the signs for Donabate. This road leads through the village of Donabate and to the beach. There is a free of charge public carpark separate to the Shoreline hotel. The southern end of the beach (also known as Corballis Beach) is suitable for naturism.
GPS coordinates: 53.467627,-6.131848
Nearest Town: Malahide, Co. Dublin
Forty Foot
This was for many years a traditional male only naturist bathing place. It is no longer used by naturists except very early in the morning. It can become very busy during the day and at weekends and is not naturist at these times. It is situated just outside the town of Dun Laoghaire,13km south of Dublin. In Dun Laoghaire follow the signposts for the harbour. Continue along the coast road until you come to the Martello Tower. The Forty Foot is nearby.
GPS coordinates: 53.289495, -6.113681
Nearest Town: Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Hawk Cliff
This is a small bathing place just outside Dalkey town, not far from Dun Laoghaire. In Dalkey turn onto Sorrento Rd. and then turn right onto the coast road (Vico Rd). The bathing place is known as the Ramparts, Vico Bathing Place, or Hawk Cliff in Googlemaps but the path off the road is not signposted. Walk across the footbridge and follow the path. To the left is the path down to the changing huts and diving board. This area is shared by naturists and textile bathers. A small cove around the rocks to the right (south) is also used by naturists. In 2017 Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council agreed with the INA to erect official signs advising the public that they may encounter nude bathers but subsequently withdrew from the agreement..
Important Notes: Steep path down to bathing place. Beware of strong currents, especially when ships are entering or leaving Dublin Port.
GPS coordinates: 53.270185, -6.097452
Nearest Town: Dalkey, Co. Dublin
White Rock
This is accessed from the parking area further along the Vico Road from Hawk Cliff. Follow any of the three paths leading from the parking area down to the pedestrian bridge over the railway and take the steps down to the beach from there. The northern end of this beach has become increasingly popular as a naturist amenity.
In pandemic times the parking area at Vico Road has been disabled. The closest free carpark is now the one in Killiney Hill, a 15-minute walk away.
GPS coordinates: 53.267261, -6.106309
Nearest Town: Killiney/Dalkey, Co. Dublin
Magheramore Beach is small, secluded and very sheltered from the general public due to its location and access point a little over 500 metres down a lane off the main road. The beach is cove-like in nature with the softest of fine golden sand, not a pebble or stone to be found. The slope of the beach is slow and gradual making it safe for swimmers of all levels. The resulting shallow water supports warmer water temperatures.
Magheramore Beach can become crowded on holiday weekends and may therefore not be suitable for use by naturists. If it is too crowded the nearby Magherabeg Beach is almost as nice and is much less crowded. To get to Magherabeg go down the lane to Magheramore and just before you get there take the path to the right (south) across the fields. Walk for about 20 minutes along the path and you will come to Magherabeg.
On June 8th 2018 Magheramore Beach hosted the Largest Skinny Dip in the world with 2,505 women baring it all for Breast Cancer awareness and its supporting charity Aoibheann’s Pink Tie. It still holds the Guinness World Record for the biggest number of nude swimmers ever recorded at an organised event.
GPS coordinates: 52.932505, -6.031475
Nearest Town: Wicklow
Sallymount Beach
This is one of the most popular naturist beaches in Ireland and has been used by naturists for more than 50 years. Turn off the main Dublin – Wexford (M11) motorway at Exit 19. Go down this road until you can go no further. Turn right and follow the coast for about 1¾ miles (2.8 km) until you come to a collection of fir trees and gateposts marked Buckroney at a road junction. If you park at or near the junction please do not obstruct any gates leading into fields. At the junction on the beach side of the road, there is a small gate. Walk through the gate and follow the path to the beach through the dunes for 10-15 minutes. Parts of this walk are steep. Alternatively, for an easier walk, you can continue driving parallel to the beach until you come to a small car park beside a path down to the beach. Walk down to the beach and turn left (north).
Important Notes: CAUTION: Beware of strong currents.
GPS coordinates: 52.845998, -6.093526
Nearest Town: Brittas Bay, Co. Wicklow
From Wexford access is via the R741/742 road. From Enniscorthy take the R744 road to Blackwater and then south on the L304. The coastline in this area is one long beach. There is a wooded area at the south end of Curracloe beach. Park in the car park and walk south along the edge of the wood for 10 or 15 minutes. This secluded part of the beach near Raven Wood nature reserve Wood is regularly used by naturists. Discretion is required at weekends.
Important Notes:We recommend discretion at weekends and during the peak summer season.
GPS coordinates: 52.381058, -6.368087
Nearest Town: Wexford
Lough Ennell
Go to the “Ladestown Shore Parking” area which is on the north west shore of the lake.
You can go to the right(paved roadway) or to the left(pebble pathway) to find some quiet spots.
GPS coordinates: 53.48486698508135, -7.395946800769737
Nearest Town: Mullingar