Every time I think about what I’m about to do my tummy turns upside down, the sweat grows in the palms of my hands, and my heart races. “Don’t worry my friend tells me” “you’ll be fine”. That’s it! , I have finally made the decision to take my clothes off, GO NAKED!! OMG.
Remembering, I’m the woman that gets undressed with the lights off. I have a million questions going around in my head. What will people think of me?
My body? My scares? My stretch marks? A friendly voice beside me quietly says “your scares are your story, your life and your war wounds. Don’t worry what people think of you it’s none of your business. Take your time and do what makes you comfortable “.
The day has finally arrived, Sun shining high in the sky, walking slowly towards the cliff edge. Then all of a sudden I see naked people. I keep my head low, acting as normal as possible, “to be honest I had a little peak “. My friend utters those words that have occupied my thoughts for months. “Ready! We’re here”. “This is it! Off come the clothes, she laughs at my half-hearted attempt. Then I lay down, the Sun shining on my pale skin, parts of my body have never ever seen the Sun before.
I feel relief, clam and proud of me. I lay there for an hour rising at times to look around. My confidence builds, I stand up “NAKED”. I can’t believe this. The words in my mind keep repeating “OMG I’m so proud of you”. People walk by and say hi as though we were walking by on the street. They don’t look at my body, they look straight into my eyes, people come to chat to me and my friend and they are so friendly, no one focused on each other’s body. Well I did, I seen a guy with a nice behind.
Throughout the day my confidence grew, so much so I decided to swim in the sea NAKED. I met another person swimming “male” we both stood there chatting about where we came from, we joked and laughed.
This is the moment all my fears of being naked left me, I forgot I was naked.
I would have never believed if you told me a year ago that I would be swimming naked with a stranger, “not me”, sure I’m too fat, and my body is not fit to be seen.
Well those thoughts were no longer.
That day before we left, I stood at the edge of the cliff with my arms held high, my head to the Sun and eyes closed feeling a world of emotions. So grateful I faced my fear, I’m not the women I was before I walked on to this cliff. I have my confidence back; I’m grateful for my body my friends support.
I’m proud of me, and to write the words “proud to be a naturist”.
Don’t knock it until you try it.
Reblogged this on Nu et heureux – Naked and Happy and commented:
Really nothing to add. Just get naked! Short and wonderful story!
That was great that you didn’t back out of it and you went forward and tried.
Awesome post. Love it. You captured exactly what we all felt the first time. I often compare it to a first kiss… you’re excited, nervous and ready to throw up all at the same time. Well done. Enjoy your new confidence and naturist life.
Awesome story…way to go!
I’m glad you had a good experience.
May being naked continue to bring you peace and joy, and may you always be loved and respected.