We have put together the following map to hopefully make it easier to find the location of our favourite beaches in Ireland. The map also displays the location and details of our upcoming events. It works in desktop browsers and on smart phones. By default, it only shows the beach locations.
To see the Events, use the Layers icon at the bottom left-hard corner of the map. The events are not selected by default as the map can get a bit crowded. When the map is displayed first, some of the locations that are close together are grouped into circular green markers(click/tap these to expand).
Click/Tap on a blue beach marker and it will zoom into the location and display the following local information:
– weather conditions(Temp, cloud coverage, wind speed/direction, UV index)
– tidal times
– sunrise and sunset times
– nearest parking area(s)
– link to Google map showing directions from your current location
– where necessary, a line will show the best path from the nearest parking area to the beach.
On some of the beaches you will see a red starred marker, this is meant to show the favourite meeting spot on the beach.
It also shows a photo gallery when you click/tap on it. The photo gallery will contain images of the beach and surrounding area.